according to contextの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  1. Method is a term, which has a different meaning according to context.
  2. Ameka classifies these two words in different ways according to context.
  3. The usage of the term " automatic " may vary according to context.
  4. But the manner in which this is accomplished varies according to context and opportunity.
  5. Latin still in use today is more often pronounced according to context, rather than geography.


  1. "according to all accounts"の例文
  2. "according to an anonymous source"の例文
  3. "according to bex"の例文
  4. "according to circumstances"の例文
  5. "according to cocker"の例文
  6. "according to doyle"の例文
  7. "according to existing law"の例文
  8. "according to expectation"の例文
  9. "according to expectations"の例文
  10. "according to greta"の例文
  11. "according to circumstances"の例文
  12. "according to cocker"の例文
  13. "according to doyle"の例文
  14. "according to existing law"の例文

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